Image of The invisible life of Addie LaRue /


The invisible life of Addie LaRue /

"A Tom Doherty Associates book.""Never pray to the gods that answer after dark." France, 1714: In a moment of desperation, a young woman named Adeline meets a dangerous stranger and makes a terrible mistake. As she realizes the limitations of her Faustian bargain - being able to live forever, without being able to be remembered by anyone she sees - Addie chooses to flee her small village, as everything she once held dear is torn away. But there are still dreams to be had, and a life to live, and she is determined to find excitement and satisfaction in the wide, beckoning world - even if she will be doomed to be alone forever. Or not quite alone - as every year, on her birthday, the alluring Luc comes to visit, checking to see if she is ready to give up her soul. Their darkly thrilling game stretches through the ages, seeing Addie witness history and fight to regain herself as she crosses oceans and tries on various lives. It will be three hundred years before she stumbles into a hidden bookstore and discovers someone who can remember her name - and suddenly, everything changes again. --


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444 pages ;25 cm
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